Undergrad Notes
- This is a collection of my lecture notes and summary notes taken during my undergraduate study in THUCST.
- The collection currently include Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics, Complex Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Physics, Signal Processing, Formal Languages and Automata, Computer Network.
- Some of my notes are now included in ByPass, an amazing resource sharing platform for learning materials, benefiting 1k+ students in Computer Science and Technology Department.
- Designed and implemented a 5-stage pipelined RISC-V CPU in Verilog.
- Enabled interrupt and exception handling, virtual memory system, Translation Lookaside Buffer(TLB), branch prediction, and Video Graphics Array (VGA) interface.
Education Knowledge Graph APP
- Developed an android application in Java to provide high-quality education services based on knowledge graphs.
- Enabled users to search, learn, bookmark, and share entries in various categories.
Ray Tracing
- Implemented ray tracing and progressive photon mapping algorithm in C++.
- Added soft shadow, anti-aliasing, depth of field, and texture to the algorithm.
- Accelerated the calculation by algorithm (e.g. KD tree, octree) and parallel computing.
Snake Game
- Used Qt to reproduce the classic Snake Game.
- Enabled users to save, load, stop, resume games and change game settings.
Landlord Game
- Reproduced a card game Dou dizhu (which means “fighting the landlord”) using Qt.
- Implemented the network connection and data communication between three players.
Movie Site
- Wrote a python crawler and crawled 1000 movies and its cast information from Douban Website.
- Created a website using Django framework that is capable of displaying and retrieving movies and casts.